Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We sure had a great one. We saw 3 of the 4 kids. We had lots of fun talking and mountains of delicious food. Family is so important and we are so thankful that they all still live close enough to come see the us.
Life has been busy around Terp Creek. I have been at 4 craft shows this season. I have also been busy doing custom orders for the holidays only 2 left to complete unless I get some late orders this weekend.
We made another trip to Bishop Hill Gallery to restock the supply of stone coasters, which are selling very well. Be sure to check out Bishop Hill Gallery when you go to Bishop Hill, IL. They close for the season from Dec. 13 through Jan. 31, 2011 so you better hurry and go this weekend for the Lucia Nights Dec. 10th and 11th from 6 pm to 9 pm.
We are currently in the process of looking for an art studio. Don’t know if we should build a studio on our farm or build on to the house. I have been trying to think of something unusual to use for a studio. I know of an airplane that was converted into a hotel but I since I don’t have a plane that idea may not work. I keep having this feeling that someone will come up with a fantastic idea. If you have any ideas email me at Becky@TerpCreek.com or leave a comment. My goal is to have my studio up and going by the middle of next summer.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
From custom pen and ink memories to pencil sketches I create, this blog will cover “What’s New” at TerpCreek.com. Drawing, interesting facts and wooden barn quilt blocks! Pictures and information of upcoming events and shows.
Pen and Ink Memories
Do you have special stories Grandpa told you? A "Pen & Ink Memory" would be the perfect way to preserve Grandpa's stories for generations to come. Check out http://www.terpcreek.com for more details or contact me at Becky@TerpCreek.com
Barn quilts can be order at http://www.terpcreek.com/Barn-Quilts.html
Barn quilts can be order at http://www.terpcreek.com/Barn-Quilts.html
Checking correctness of drawings and other art.
Today I would like to share some secrets on checking the correctness of your drawings. The following steps are before you frame your art. Additions and corrections are faster and easier to make on an unframed drawing.
These are the steps I found most helpful over the years to check art for correctness in the shadows, perspective, details or places that still needs some work. Always do these steps before delivering any art to the client.
1. Hold the drawing so you can see it in a mirror. Sometimes places that need more work will jump out at you.
2. Turn the drawing upside down and look at it in a mirror. Make any changes to your art if needed as you go through these steps.
3. Now set the art upside down in your living room or someplace you will see it a lot. Continue to look at it and make changes for a few days.
4. Finally set it right side up a few more days. Make changes if needed.
When you are satisfied with the final project then frame it and deliver it to your happy client.
Happy drawing!
These are the steps I found most helpful over the years to check art for correctness in the shadows, perspective, details or places that still needs some work. Always do these steps before delivering any art to the client.
1. Hold the drawing so you can see it in a mirror. Sometimes places that need more work will jump out at you.
2. Turn the drawing upside down and look at it in a mirror. Make any changes to your art if needed as you go through these steps.
3. Now set the art upside down in your living room or someplace you will see it a lot. Continue to look at it and make changes for a few days.
4. Finally set it right side up a few more days. Make changes if needed.
When you are satisfied with the final project then frame it and deliver it to your happy client.
Happy drawing!
Backdrop for Detroit, MI Car Showcase (Building 1)
The drawing for the car showcase backdrop is coming along nicely. The finished project will end up in the Detroit, MI area. It will be made up of numerous color pencil sketches of vintage storefronts. The showcase will hold precision cars with the backdrop drawings being the city.
I love the design of this first building. The client wants it named "Becky’s Art Studio". I feel really proud that he has picked and named this building as the first drawing in the project. I don’t know what the next drawing will be. I took over 90 storefront photos for him to pick from. So far only 6 storefronts have made the cut. I may have to go on another Sunday drive and take more photos. I just love Sunday drives even if they are not on Sunday.
If you want to see a detailed progress of this project you can follow it on Facebook by clicking the facebook link on this blog.
Have a great weekend.
I love the design of this first building. The client wants it named "Becky’s Art Studio". I feel really proud that he has picked and named this building as the first drawing in the project. I don’t know what the next drawing will be. I took over 90 storefront photos for him to pick from. So far only 6 storefronts have made the cut. I may have to go on another Sunday drive and take more photos. I just love Sunday drives even if they are not on Sunday.
If you want to see a detailed progress of this project you can follow it on Facebook by clicking the facebook link on this blog.
Have a great weekend.
Western IL Animal Rescue and Spoon River Drive

The backdrop for the Detroit car showcase is coming along nicely. It will take some time to get all 15 feet of it done.
Spoon River Drive was nice last weekend. Sunday was a wonderful day to go and check out the vendors and beautiful scenery. This weekend will be even better, however I am not going to be on the drive this last weekend.
Have a great weekend,
Mt Pleasant Old Threshers and Pies
Things are buzzing at TerpCreek.com. I passed out flyers for the pet's promotion at Mt Pleasant Old Threshers Show and got some orders. We took a Novo motor to show and ground corn with it.
I spent last week baking pies for our church tent for the Prime Beef Festival. I made 46 pies in 3 days. Wow that kept me really busy, our house smelled like a bakery. I made us a pear almond pie, which was a new recipe for last year. Next year the new pie will be "Alabama Apple" which, is from a new friend I made at Mt Pleasant.
Great news! I got the contract that I mentioned last month. I will be drawing a backdrop for a showcase. This showcase measures 16 inches by 15 feet. The showcase will hold precision cars and will be located in the Detroit, MI area., more about that in later blogs.
Thanks for stopping by.
I spent last week baking pies for our church tent for the Prime Beef Festival. I made 46 pies in 3 days. Wow that kept me really busy, our house smelled like a bakery. I made us a pear almond pie, which was a new recipe for last year. Next year the new pie will be "Alabama Apple" which, is from a new friend I made at Mt Pleasant.
Great news! I got the contract that I mentioned last month. I will be drawing a backdrop for a showcase. This showcase measures 16 inches by 15 feet. The showcase will hold precision cars and will be located in the Detroit, MI area., more about that in later blogs.
Thanks for stopping by.
New items coming soon to TerpCreek.com

I am working on some surprise items for my Pet Promo people. They are going to love some of these items. I am also starting to work on the pet calendar and magazine article. The calendar will have to be done by November so clients can use it for Christmas presents.
This year’s craft shows will features some of my new products as well and some old favorites. Christmas craft shows season will be upon us in no time.
I am sent a proposal to get a big contract. I may have some exciting news for you in the next week or two.
Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by.
Apple Bread Pudding
Today I want to share a fantastic recipe with you. This is the best bread pudding ever. Best yet it is a microwave recipe so it is fast.
Apple Bread Pudding
Stir in a 3 quart casserole.
3 Eggs
¾ C Sugar
1 (13 oz) Can Evaporated Milk
1 C Milk
½ tsp Nutmeg
½ tsp Cinnamon
Mix in 7 C Bread tear into pieces
1 (1lb 4 oz) can Apple Pie Filling
¾ C Raisin (Optional)
Let stand till bread is soaked up.
Microwave on medium for 20 to 25 minutes or until a knife stuck in the center comes out clean.
This is very good hot with ice cream. This is truly a comfort food. Give it a try.
Apple Bread Pudding
Stir in a 3 quart casserole.
3 Eggs
¾ C Sugar
1 (13 oz) Can Evaporated Milk
1 C Milk
½ tsp Nutmeg
½ tsp Cinnamon
Mix in 7 C Bread tear into pieces
1 (1lb 4 oz) can Apple Pie Filling
¾ C Raisin (Optional)
Let stand till bread is soaked up.
Microwave on medium for 20 to 25 minutes or until a knife stuck in the center comes out clean.
This is very good hot with ice cream. This is truly a comfort food. Give it a try.
Maple City Cruise
Two new “Dog Days of Summer” pet drawings went up at Downtown Coffeehouse Café today. If you are in Monmouth, IL stop by the Café and have a cup of flavored coffee and a sandwich. Their food is fantastic! Go to my website for more details on the Dog Days of Summer Promo. http://www.terpcreek.com/
We had a very busy weekend. We had out of state company all weekend. We went to the Maple City Cruise at Monmouth, La Harpe Car Show and Hamilton Tractor Show. I will have photos of the cars on my website later.
I have a lot of custom drawings to get done so I had better get back to work.
We had a very busy weekend. We had out of state company all weekend. We went to the Maple City Cruise at Monmouth, La Harpe Car Show and Hamilton Tractor Show. I will have photos of the cars on my website later.
I have a lot of custom drawings to get done so I had better get back to work.
Maple City Cruise Night
I just put a new “Dog Days of Summer” sample basket at Vaughn Jeweler. New drawings went up at Downtown Coffeehouse Café. So stop in at both places in Monmouth, IL and take a look. Let them know you read about it on Becky’s Blog.
I finished up another pet basket. This one added a framed 16” X 20”. It is on display at Downtown Coffeehouse Café till Aug. 13, 2010. The puppy in this drawing is really cute and was a lot of fun photographing for the drawing.
The Maple City Cruise Night will be in Monmouth, IL Friday, August 6, 2010, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. It will be a great time with the car show, food and Eternity Road Band so plan to attend. The Maple City Street Machines are in charge of the show. They have been doing this show for more than 20 years and always do a great job.
I delivered a new book of art to Deb and Di Restaurant in Rushville, IL. They also have two of my drawings on display that they purchased last year. If your travels take you close to Rushville stop in for a bite and check out the art. Their catfish dinner is wonderful, however my husband thinks the steaks are the way to go. All their food is fantastic!
Thanks for stopping by to read my blog.
I finished up another pet basket. This one added a framed 16” X 20”. It is on display at Downtown Coffeehouse Café till Aug. 13, 2010. The puppy in this drawing is really cute and was a lot of fun photographing for the drawing.
The Maple City Cruise Night will be in Monmouth, IL Friday, August 6, 2010, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. It will be a great time with the car show, food and Eternity Road Band so plan to attend. The Maple City Street Machines are in charge of the show. They have been doing this show for more than 20 years and always do a great job.
I delivered a new book of art to Deb and Di Restaurant in Rushville, IL. They also have two of my drawings on display that they purchased last year. If your travels take you close to Rushville stop in for a bite and check out the art. Their catfish dinner is wonderful, however my husband thinks the steaks are the way to go. All their food is fantastic!
Thanks for stopping by to read my blog.
Pet Drawings

Sample basket can be seen at Downtown Coffeehouse Café, Jones Auto Center, Portraits by Buff, and Vaughn Jeweler all in Monmouth, IL. The radio ads start in
August. I know I will be really busy then.

If your pet is a snake then I will have to really think about that. I think a snake might need more than one substitution to the basket but I will figure that out when the time comes.
Last weekend was a lot of fun. I got some drawing done and followed up on some leads of drawings to do. I am working on another national tractor show proposal for 2011. My art has been auctioned off at several banquets and always brings a good price, which is a big plus to organizations wanting to make money.
Have a great day.
National Massey Assoc Expo Drawing
The National Massey Assoc. drawing is finished. It is matted and framed in a 16”x20” oak frame. It will be at the National Expo in Pinkneyville, IL Aug. 18 - 22, 2010. It will be auctioned off at the Expo. Hope you get to go and enjoy the fun.
Check out my next work in progress at http://www.facebook.com/TerpCreek
Thanks for stopping by and check out my website http://www.terpcreek.com/
Check out my next work in progress at http://www.facebook.com/TerpCreek
Thanks for stopping by and check out my website http://www.terpcreek.com/
Bald Bluff Tractor Pull and Fun
Hi everyone,
Things have been really busy around TerpCreek.com.
We were at Kirkwood’s Celebration for the Bald Bluff Antique Tractor Pull last weekend. I took lots of photos and posted them on TerpCreek.com. One class paid out $500 for first. The winner of this class is pictured on the Case. We met some wonderful people that came 150 miles to pull. Their tractor, “The Chosen One” is really classey.
I am currently working on The Dog Days of Summer Pet Basket Promotion. This is a real fun project and I have met some really cute pets. More about that next time.
Hope everyone has a safe 4th of July.
Things have been really busy around TerpCreek.com.
I am almost finished with the Massey 44 pen and ink drawing for the National Massey Expo. It should be done next week, hopefully.
We were at Kirkwood’s Celebration for the Bald Bluff Antique Tractor Pull last weekend. I took lots of photos and posted them on TerpCreek.com. One class paid out $500 for first. The winner of this class is pictured on the Case. We met some wonderful people that came 150 miles to pull. Their tractor, “The Chosen One” is really classey.
The Kirkwood show had some wonderful fireworks. It is always a good show with good food and fun.
Hope everyone has a safe 4th of July.
What's new at TerpCreek.com
Hi everyone and welcome to my first blog post.
A lot has been happening around TerpCreek.com. We got a new granddaughter June 4th. Now we have 2 grandchildren, Callie and her brother Blake, who is 4 years old.
I won an art contest, which is always exciting. The winning pen and ink is titled Hiding II. It is currently on display at the Buchanan Center for the Arts in Monmouth, IL. This new drawing has several items hiding in it. It maybe a challenge to find all the items.
The first Hiding drawing was a huge success. Hiding I was on TV, talked about on the radio and displayed in several solo shows and one group show. Hiding I is on display at Vaughn’s Jewelry Store in Monmouth, IL.
I won a contract for a large Pen and Ink that is going to the National Massey Expo. You can follow the progress of this work at http://www.facebook.com/TerpCreek look in the Art in Progress album.
Next week I am putting my art on a mailbox. This will be with paint not ink but it should be interesting. Flowers are the theme for this project.
Thanks for stopping by and check out my web site http://www.terpcreek.com/
A lot has been happening around TerpCreek.com. We got a new granddaughter June 4th. Now we have 2 grandchildren, Callie and her brother Blake, who is 4 years old.
I won an art contest, which is always exciting. The winning pen and ink is titled Hiding II. It is currently on display at the Buchanan Center for the Arts in Monmouth, IL. This new drawing has several items hiding in it. It maybe a challenge to find all the items.
The first Hiding drawing was a huge success. Hiding I was on TV, talked about on the radio and displayed in several solo shows and one group show. Hiding I is on display at Vaughn’s Jewelry Store in Monmouth, IL.
I won a contract for a large Pen and Ink that is going to the National Massey Expo. You can follow the progress of this work at http://www.facebook.com/TerpCreek look in the Art in Progress album.
Next week I am putting my art on a mailbox. This will be with paint not ink but it should be interesting. Flowers are the theme for this project.
Thanks for stopping by and check out my web site http://www.terpcreek.com/
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